



Hendrix-Murphy Writer-in-Residence, Hendrix College, 2008-Present.

Literary Hybrids: Flash Fiction, Prose Poems, Lyric Essays, English 490, Fall 2009. Senior seminar and writing workshop in the writing of brief prose forms.

Advanced Creative Writing: Fiction, English 304, Spring 2009, Spring 2010. Workshops in linked collections and novels-in-stories.

Creative Writing: Fiction, English 204, Fall 2008, Spring 2009, Fall 2009, Spring 2010. Short story workshops with lectures and writing exercises.   

Writing from Place (Introduction to Academic Writing), English 110, Fall 2008. Instruction on forms, styles, grammar, and analytical skills for success in undergraduate writing.


Workshop Facilitator, Lighthouse Writers Workshop (Denver, CO) 2003-Present.

Short Story, Team taught with Nick Arvin and Janis Hallowell, Lighthouse Lit Fest, June 2007. Two-day workshop.

Flash Forms, Lighthouse Lit Fest, June 2007. One-day intensive on flash fiction and non-fiction, as well as narrative prose poems.
Revising for Resonant Image, Lighthouse Lit Fest, June 2007. One-day intensive.

Writing the Novel, Summer 2004. 8-week course. (2 sections)

Writing the Short Story, Summer 2003. 8-week course.  (2 sections)



Teaching Assistant, University of Nebraska, 2003-2008.

(All stand-alone sections)

Advanced Fiction Writing, English 352, Spring 2006. Explored craft of novel writing, topic research, structure. Discussions of published novels; student-led craft discussions; and workshops focusing on students’ in-progress novels.

Twentieth Century Fiction, English 205, Fall 2007. Examines 20th Century as “The Visual Age.” Study trends in fiction and look at fiction in regard to ethnicity, gender, class, and place.

Writing of Fiction, English 252, Spring 2004, Fall 2004, Spring 2005, Fall 2005, Spring 2008. Short story workshops with lectures and writing exercises.

Writing from Literature, English 101, Spring 2006, Fall 2007. Current course focuses on Travel Writing in fiction and nonfiction; students write about and in the genres.

Writing: Rhetoric as Inquiry. English 150, Fall 2003 (2 sections), Spring 2004, Fall 2004. Designed for beginning writers to explore local and personal identities, considering themselves as inhabitants of cultures and communities.





Contents ŠTyrone Jaeger 2007, All rights reserved.